Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Voice

Scathing. Sharp and to the point! No holds
barred. Shocking.
I am not referring to the presidential
debates; I am referring to the prophet Isaiah.
I am referring to the anointing of the Holy
Spirit that spoke through him. Yet, I find his
indictments against the nations to sound so
familiar, so current, so contemporary.
God was speaking through Isaiah, not only
to the nation of Israel, but also to the nations
around them. He indicted Israel, Syria,
Moab, Egypt, and numerous other cities and
The main issues for Israel was the lack of
relationship with God in the determination
of the nation. God was bringing judgment
for the people turning to every supposed aid
other than to God. They were seeking aid
from Egypt, making alliance with Assyria,
paying tribute for protection and all the
while, their protector was waiting for a call,
a prayer, a petition. He indicted them
because they turned to other gods and
worshipped petty idols and gods of
immorality. Yes, even fornication and
adultery can be dressed up in religious
forms as the fertility cults practiced so well.
So the natural lusts of humanity are placated
and endorsed by making it a religious
exercise and calling it holy.
God was not pleased. They also came to the
place they did not want to hear the
prophets. They were told not to prophesy,
but speak soft, kind things. The seers were
told not to see. Essentially, it was the
rejection of any kind of input from those
who were spiritually watching for the
nation. It reminds me of Ahab, King of
Israel, saying that the only true prophet he
knew would not say anything good about
him; so he would not call on him.
There are voices in our nation who are
crying out. They are speaking warnings,
concerns, and deep, dark prognostications.
They warn of things to come if we do not
turn as a nation. The values of our
foundations are being undermined and our
connection to God is being forcibly
disconnected. We are allowing a vocal,
powerful, minority to undermine our
country. We may be at the brink, the tipping
point, where we move headlong without
restraint into a moral morass.
There comes a time in the dealings of God
where repentance is too late. Those souls
who pass everyday into eternity lose their
opportunity for repentance. There have been
those who have made deathbed confessions
of faith and repentance and are spared, but
there are those who decide to repent too
late. At that point there is no turning back.
So it is in the history of nations. There is a
point where judgment is unstoppable. The
nation may attempt to repent or say they are
sorry, but it will be too late. The motions of
judgment are in place and will not be
revoked. The Israelites certainly knew of
their God and probably cried out to him as
they were being starved to death in siege,
cried out to him as they were being marched
to a foreign land for slavery, or begged for
mercy as their children were being
slaughtered by ungodly mercenaries. The
tipping point is a place of no return.
You may say how harsh I am writing. I do
not like it, Isaiah did not like it, no man of
God likes it. Throughout the scriptures, the
warnings are delivered by men of God to
the people who have lost their way
spiritually. The warnings go to those who
have embraced the world and gone after
other gods or who have become proud,
arrogant, and self sufficient. Instead of
turning to God, they turn away to self
improvement, self esteem, and cult heroes
that they think will rescue them.
This is the last newsletter before people are
going to vote. The news this morning,
liberally biased as it is, says that the election
is so close that it is beyond prediction. It is
also called the most critical election in over
50 years. So, do we March on to Socialism or
do we return to the Democratic Republic
that was constituted years ago? Do we
throw values and morality away and
embrace moral anarchy or do we return to
the God of the Bible and his moral, social
Most people will look at the election solely
from an economic view, but I see deep moral
and value issues. My vote is not about the
economy; my vote is about the values that
shape a nation and bring God’s blessings. I
know that a nation that blesses Israel, will
be blessed as promised from the book of
Genesis. I know that a leader that snubs
Israel, who coddles their enemies, will bring
destruction to our nation. My vote is for
those that support Israel because God does.
Billy Graham put full page ads in major
newspapers this past week.
I quote, The legacy we leave behind for our
children, grandchildren, and this great
nation is crucial. As I approach my 94th
birthday, I realize this election could be my
last. I believe it is vitally important that we
cast our ballots for candidates who base
their decisions on biblical principles and
support the nation of Israel. I urge you to
vote for those who protect the biblical
definition of marriage between a man and
a woman. Vote for biblical values this
November 6, and pray with me that
America will remain one nation under
God.” - Billy Graham

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree with you more, Pastor Bill! Thank you for standing for the Truth!
