Thursday, July 26, 2012


“...woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.”Isaiah 5:20 

There is a growing frustration in our country, our world really. When injustice grows through tyranny, or in our country’s case, through rampant anarchy in the name of tolerance and diversity, you will find the people become restless and agitated. Now you may recoil, but the words, tolerance and diversity have been redefined. Tolerance no longer means that I believe what I believe and I agree to disagree. It has become everyone is right and there is no debate or standard. Morality is being rewritten to make that which is evil, good; and that which is good, evil. Injustices are present and people know when they are being taken advantage of, or when they are being manipulated. There is somewhat of an inherent understanding of right and wrong, particularly when you are the one wronged.
Out of this frustration which comes from the lack of uniform rules and protection through a government that protects its people, there have been and will continue to be outrageous acts of violence with no seeming reason. The media continues to report and wonder what is going on, but down deep in the culture there is a growing frustration.
We produce movies about bullying, but where is the protection from the bully at school. Teachers do not protect the student anymore because they have no recourse of discipline. The superintendents do not back the teachers for fear of lawsuits. The schools are segregated into cliques including nerds, geeks, goths, and jocks. Some are lost in the middle. So, rather than a simple rod to the rear of the offenders applied by those in authority such as the teacher or principal, frustrated students who fringe, resort to the ultimate equalizer. A geek may not be able to fight a jock in school, but a gun levels the field. The senseless violence and loss of innocent lives is in part the responsibility of a failed educational system that has stripped the power of discipline from those who are supposed to educate and protect our children. The schools are entrusted with our children for so many hours a day and even into the evenings with the various activities; yet, they have been stripped of the necessary tools to discipline and protect all the students.
We think there are a few who just snap and go on rampages killing and then usually taking their own lives. The repeat of this scenario has grown into an “I do not care about the consequences. I will just get my moment of revenge.” To allocate this to insanity on the part of the occasional lunatic is naiveté at its worst. The disease goes much deeper into the culture.
Sad as the Columbine, the Chardon, the numerous other schools, the college campus shooting in Virginia, Texas; workers who shoot fellow employees, assassination attempts of political leaders, and the craziness of the theatre shooting this week, they are indicators of a pandemic failure of morality, society, government, and church.
To stop this slide into anarchy, it will take moral change. Gun legislation will not change the heart of man. The liberal media attacks at that point every time there is a crisis of this nature. No one ever addresses the moral decay of the society, at least in the media.
There are key areas which need salvation.  The first is the home. The high divorce rate has contributed to much of the lack in our culture. Children have little or no discipline in a litigious society. Children have learned to play the game as the state asserts itself as the parent of all children. Children now accuse their parents and bring prosecution. They threaten parents and teachers with child services even though it would mean the end of their lives as being normal. The systems wants to label all parents as abusive, sexual predators, and incapable of raising a normal child. While we need some protection in place, the overall threat is undermining the sanctity of the home and the discipline that is needed for children. There is anarchy in our families. Where children rule, the society is doomed.
The second place is the schools. Yet, with the current climate, discipline is hard because parents are non-supportive of the teachers. They are quick to threaten and sue rather than helping the school handle their brat. Sometimes the parents are more a problem than the student.
Thirdly, government is being controlled by people with little or no moral fiber. The perpetrators are better protected than the victims. They are incapable of leading in a positive direction.
Fourthly, the church has become anemic and more like the world. A stand for righteousness is hard to come by in the church world today. Injustice. Frustration. Chaos follows. Change is needed on many levels.  A new voice needs to be heard.

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